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Well. 23 days. AIAN is slowly vanishing from my life, though I will remember it forever...in my nightmares. Is it normal to have dreams where you ace a test and then get beaten up because of it? It shouldn't be, if it is.

I miss ginger snaps. Yesterday, Brynne talked about making ginger bread, and I got this yen for ginger snaps. I must get me some when I'm in the States, along with rice dream (original and vanilla), horchata, books and some fiddle music. That's my shopping list so far. But then there's the list of places I want to go and things I want to see, which is far more extensive and far less practical. It includes:
  1. Blanchard Springs and Caverns
  2. The Ozark Folk Center
  3. Monona Terrace
  4. The Glass Nickel (pizza place in Madison, WI)
  5. Taliesin East
  6. University of Wisconsin Madison campus
  7. Rockport, MA
  8. East Gate Mall (in Madison, I want to go eat at Cinnabon)
And a bunch of other stuff. Hopefully I'll get to see people too!!! YAY for summer! Again!

So yeah.